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Frequently Asked Questions


Q: How many hours must a work based learning student work?

A: Work based learning students can be placed in either a 10 hour per week or 15 hour per week job.  Students under 18 may not work more than 24 hours in a week during the school year.  


Q: Are work based learning students paid?

A: All work based learning employment opportunities must be formal paid positions, that would result in a W2, not a cash payment from one individual to another. Most work based learning students make minimum wage.


Q: Is there extra paperwork required of the employer?

A: The only paperwork required of the employer is the initial training agreement and the completion of an evaluation form each semester.

Q: When do work based learning students work.

A: Start and end dates can be determined by the employer, Students must start on or before the first day of school (typically beginning of September) and must work through the last day of school for Seniors (typically the end of May). Employers may choose to hire a student who will work in the morning, until 10:45 a.m.  or a student who will work afternoon hours. Depending upon the nature of business, the student may work weekend or evening hours rather than during the school day.


Q: Are there any additional requirements or laws that a business must follow if a work based learning student is hired?

A: Work based learning students are treated as any other employee of a business. All state wage and hour laws apply. Every 9 weeks, the work based learning coordinator must complete a job site visit.

Q: What is required of work based learning students?

A: Work based learning students are required to work the minimum amount of hours specified in their training agreement. Students are responsible for completing bi-weekly time cards and monthly training plans which are turned into the work based learning coordinator. Students must also take a course related to their specific work based learning opportunity.. Students are graded based on the completion of this paperwork and the input of their job supervisor. Students can earn up to 1.5 credits per semester for work based learning.


Q: What happens if our work based learning student does not meet expectations?

A: Through the guidance and mentorship of the work based learning coordinator an improvement plan and coaching would hopefully resolve this situation. In the event that performance does not improve, or that the student has committed an offense worthy of termination, the employer can terminate the student's employment. Should this happen, students may lose credit for the semester.

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